What is this?

Evolutionary Computing is an artificial intelligence technique that comprises a broad set of problem-solving and optimization techniques that are inspired by evolutionary biology and natural selection. Such techniques include genetic algorithms and evolutionary programming, which use biologically-inspired operators such as mutation, selection, and crossover to solve difficult engineering problems. A major advantage of evolutionary computing techniques is that they require minimal tuning and are often good at exploring and being robust to the effects of noise.

See also: evolution, emergence, artificial intelligence, game theory

EP72 Joscha Bach on Minds, Machines & Magic 12,400

Currents 072: Ben Goertzel on Viable Paths to True AGI 1,277

EP24 Bret Weinstein on Evolving Culture 998

EP137 Ken Stanley on Neuroevolution 171

EP91 Joe Brewer on Applied Cultural Evolution 148

EP135 Dennis Waters on Behavior & Culture in One Dimension 121

EP 171 Bruce Damer Part 2: The Origins of Life - Implications 18